Contribution for FRANCISCAN STUDY

Study Resource MANUAL TOR RULE




Penitential Movement


History and Development


Rule and Franciscan Spirituality


Commentary on the 1982 Rule


Ten and Twenty-Five Years Later


CD — Four Values of the Rule with sheet music



Comprehensive Bibliography


Third Order Saints




Note about the Manual TOR

Why a Manual TOR?

The purpose of the Manual TOR originates from the General Assembly 2009: to create new resorces for initial and ongoing formation.

The primary contents of the Manual includes: the Original 1982 Rule commentary by Sr. Margaret Carney, osf and Fr. Thaddeus Horan, sa, and Considerations on the 1992 Tenth Anniversary and 2007 Twenty-fifth Anniversary.

Four sections of special resources are: Bibliography; Third Order Saints; Extended Resources, and CD Songs and Music on the four values of the Rule (Conversion, Poverty, Contemplation and Minority/Humility. A work of Sr. Margaret Padilla, cssf and Sr. Veronica Lucero, cssf.

Comprises of five sections presenting articles and study guides on overview of Penitential Movements; The history and development of TOR Rule; and The TOR Rule & Franciscan spirituality of Rule.

The comprehensive bibliography comprehends of 145 entries of primary sources and secondary sources (Book, and articles).

Moreover a section “followers of the Troubador”, including reflections on the lives and spirituality of the Third Order followers of Francis of Assisi: St. Elizabeth of Hungary; St. Louis IX, King of France; Saint John Vianney; Blessed Pope (Saint) John XXIII. Authors of the paragraph is Mrs. Kathleen Gilmour and editor is Rev. Thomas Bourque, tor. A study guide by Sr. Kathleen Moffat, osf is available.

In conclusion within the Manual: daily readings and reflections for the 25th anniversary (Allegany OSF’s), Propositum (journal of TOR history and spirituality); Source Book: History of the TOR rule (edited by Sr. M. Carney, osf and J.F. Godet-Calogeras, S. Kush, cssf; The CORD, 25th Anniversary issue edited by Sr. Daria Mitchell, Oldenburf OSF.

Each TAB of the Manual has a chapter fom the Third Order Regular with original artwork.

OUR GRATEFULNESS  to the 42 Congregations who so joyfully and generously supported the creation of this Manual.

To the Mc Carthy Family and Staff of Valley Press Inc. who made this Manual possible.

EDITOR  ·  Sister Kathleen Moffatt, OSF (Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia / Aston, PA)

PUBLISHED by the International Franciscan Conference IFC-TOR (in English Language)