NEWS in the spotlight

Presentation of the Logo and Theme for the General Assembly 2025

In the midst of the 800 year anniversary of Francis’ Canticle of Creation, we will meet as the international Franciscan Conference of the Third Order Regular to look anew at Christ’s challenge to Francis to Repair His House.

Recalling Pope Francis’ challenge of Laudato Si’, we extend that message to include repairing the world.

Through reflection and sharing on the theme: ”Franciscans, Repair my World” the General Assembly 2025 is an opportunity to come together as sisters and brothers of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis to deepen within us the basic Franciscan values as we are challenged to live them today.

The keywords included in the logo are:



   Photo Gallery - Opening Centenary / 2025

© Sala Stampa Sacro Convento

In 2025 we celebrate the eighth centenary of the composition of the Canticle of Brother Sun.

Francis of Assisi, in the spring of 1225, a few months after his experience at La Verna, wanted to spend a period of fifty days at the monastery of San Damiano, where Clare and the first poor sisters lived.

During that stay at San Damiano, after a night troubled by the pains of his illnesses but also visited by the Lord, who had given him the certainty of his love and salvation, Francis composed that hymn of praise and thanksgiving to God, which we all know.

As with past centennials, this year there will be a celebration of the entire Franciscan Family to officially inaugurate the centennial.

The two parts of the celebration can be followed below online, while those who wish to be present in person can choose either place. At both shrines, the other part of the celebration will be projected on screen for those who are present.

The intention was to start at the place where Francis composed most of the Canticle and praised God for all creatures and conclude there where his mortal remains rest, to sing beside him and with him the last verse, composed shortly before his death, “Laudato si’ mi Signore, per sora nostra morte corporale.”

Poster Opening Centenary 2025


   Live Streaming - Opening Centenary

   Tribute at the tomb of Saint Francis

The floral tribute at the tomb of Saint Francis

The event of the floral tribute at the tomb of Saint Francis and the conclusion of the inauguration celebration of the eighth centenary of the Canticle of the Creatures in the lower church of the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel @BasilicaSanFrancescodAssisi

The celebration will begin on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 10 a.m. (local time) in SAN DAMIANO

Timeline of the Centenaries

The Franciscan Centenary

The Franciscan centenary is a journey that we have decided to begin in order for the entire Franciscan family throughout the world to celebrate together the 800th anniversary of Saint Francis’ Easter and the culminating events of the last years of his life. Said Centenary has been divided into 4 Centenaries, respectively spread over 4 years where it will be possible to reflect and contemplate the Rule and Christmas in Greccio (1223-2023), the gift of the Stigmata (1224-2024), the Canticle of the Creatures (1225- 2025), the Easter of Francis of Assisi (1226-2026).

The website, commissioned by the Franciscan Family through a Commission of the Communication Offices, is the official site for disseminating reflections, themes, official documents and news that will give us the guidelines for experiencing this great Franciscan event together.

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Letters / Communications



The year 2025 will be a year of challenges and blessings. Pope Francis calls us to be a “People of Hope” in this coming Jubilee Year, the 10th Anniversary of Laudato Si reminds us of the challenge to renew the earth and the 800th anniversary of St. Francis writing the Canticle of Creation beckons us to recognize our oneness with all Creation. The Season of Advent brings a needed message of hope for the present world in which we live. People on every continent are waiting again for someone to bring sanity to a world that seems to have gone wild with hatred, individuality and greed. Nations at war with each other and within themselves, disasters bringing devastation by fire and floods, nature crying out to be saved, all these things prey on our minds and form our intercessions in prayer as we await a time of peace and justice to reign.

Dear Sisters and Brothers, Pace e Bene!
Happy Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis! This Feast, for many of us in the Franciscan Family, signals the beginning of preparation for the Feast Day of our brother, St Francis. In this special year during which we remember the 800th anniversary of St. Francis receiving the Stigmata at LaVerna, we celebrate this reminder of how great the love of Francis was for Christ and how great the love of Christ was for St. Francis.


Franciscans International Board of Directors meet twice a year: in the first half of the year in Geneva, Switzerland and the last half of the year in New York, USA, unless otherwise. The two countries are chosen because that is where Franciscans International have their offices respectively. This year from the 17th-19th April 2024, I attended a workshop organized by our staff of the Franciscans International on human rights concerns, in Santa Maria di Angeli in Assisi. This meeting in Assisi attracted religious brothers and sisters, and the laity who work with migrants as well as for the protection of the rights of people deprived of their liberty.

(Sr. Charity Katongo Nkandu)

At the last Council meeting of IFC-TOR, the Council was able to make more definitive plans for the upcoming General Assembly. We are sending this information now so that you can SAVE THE DATE.

Franciscan Formation


Contribution for FRANCISCAN STUDY

    Resource Manual for the  Study of the TOR Rule

The TOR Manual as a study on the Rule, presents the essentials of a Story that can only be called a “chronicle of grace.” It is the response to the 2009 proposal from the IFC assembly that resources on the Rule “be updated and new ones created, published and made known for initial and ongoing formation.”



Penitential Movement


History and Development


Rule and Franciscan Spirituality


Commentary on the 1982 Rule


Ten and Twenty-Five Years Later


CD — Four Values of the Rule with sheet music


Comprehensive Bibliography


Third Order Saints




Franciscan Music — Four Values of TOR Rule

Musical pieces based on the four values of the Third Order Regular Rule: Conversion, Poverty, Contemplation and Minority/Humility.

The CD Audio of the Manual TOR

Created by Sr. Veronica Lucero, CSSF and Sr. Margaret Padilla, CSSF · Felician Sisters of North America

    Guide for the Study of the Encyclical FRATELLI TUTTI

The guide is a cooperative venture of several Franciscan organizations. It can be used with small or large groups and for personal reflection. You are free to print it for others who prefer a printed text and to share the URL where you found the guide. This guide is free and serves as an overview to the chapter featured but cannot in the space available do justice to the richness of each chapter.



Summary and quotes from the Encyclical



Dark Clouds A Closed World – Summary and quotes from the Encyclical



A Stranger on the Road



Envisaging and Engendering an Open World



A Heart Open to the Whole World



A Better Kind of Politics



Dialogue and Friendship in Society



Paths of Renewed Encounter



Religions at the Service of Fraternity in Our World

Franciscan Spirituality



Latest Issue  /  2024 N. 2

″Praised Be You, My Lord Care for Our Common Home‶


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General Assembly



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Prayer before the Crucifix

“Most high, glorious God,
Enlighten the darkness of my heart
And give me righteous faith,
certain hope and perfect charity,
wisdom and ability to understand
And serve your will.